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David Mills
By David Mills
on September 08, 2020

What is choice paralysis?

Choice paralysis is the inability to choose, or being frozen in the process because of mental or emotional overload. This can impact your website, the services or products that you sell, and all of your marketing. The last thing we want our marketing to do is to paralyze decisions! We want to help people make good ones!

Amy Alexander
By Amy Alexander
on September 08, 2020

an ad strategy based on tigers

Since 2018, Cheetos has been the target of a new major competitor: PeaTos. These pea-filled copy-cats have one goal: be moderately more healthy than Cheetos. They've stripped out the common junk-food culprits, like artificial flavors and genetically modified ingredients, and they've replaced corn with peas. Their ad strategy -- rubbing it in Frito-Lays' face -- is nothing short of hilarious.

Chad Alexander
By Chad Alexander
on September 08, 2020

The questionhow to help your boss feel at-ease in front of the camera, when they say: "I'm terrible at this!"

Amy Alexander
By Amy Alexander
on September 08, 2020

The questionWhat is your answer when a client asks: “How can I get more good content on my website?”


The answer:

Gary Vaynerchuck is famous for having said: “Every one of you is a media company.” 

Jennifer Bailey
By Jennifer Bailey
on September 08, 2020

The question: what to say to your intern when they ask: "what's the first thing I can do to seo my articles?"


The answer:

"Oh hey intern, thanks for asking about optimizing your content!

Amy Alexander
By Amy Alexander
on September 02, 2020

The question: what to tell your boss during a rebrand, when they ask: "how can we choose the best logo?"


The answer:

“So glad you asked! When looking at comps, ask yourself:

Chad Alexander
By Chad Alexander
on September 02, 2020

The question: How to respond when asked: "what's better? YouTube or Vimeo?"


The answer:

Well, one isn’t better -- they’re just different! In general, YouTube is the place that the average business can build an audience, gain SEO value (since it’s owned by Google), and expect consumer interaction. Vimeo is really the filmmaker’s platform. This is a place you can host videos that are embedded on your website, or share edits with clients. Vimeo provides unique control of your content that YouTube is not designed for. But, don’t forget! Platforms like Facebook typically require you to upload your video there as well for the best shareability and visibility.”

David Mills
By David Mills
on September 02, 2020

The question: How to respond when your CFO walks in and says: "We're going to cut your marketing budget, unless you can prove that your methods are working."


The answer:

You can't say: “Yikes! I need a rain check." 

David Mills
By David Mills
on August 25, 2020

Personalization vs. de-personalization

Understanding Personalization

In order to understand de-personalization we have to understand personalization. This is the use of data to deliver messages and information to the right person at the right time. This can put the right kind of data in front of the right person at the right time. 

David Mills
By David Mills
on August 25, 2020

Since recruiting and retaining caregivers is the lifeblood of homecare recruiting, healthcare recruiting, and other industries facing a shortage, finding the right approach to the recruitment funnel is critical. With in-person events off the table right now, job listing services might seem like the only viable option. The 2020 Benchmarking Study highlights an important recruiting difference between agencies that are growing and those that struggle to grow.