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David Mills
By David Mills
on August 28, 2024
In the bustling B2B landscape, it's easy to get caught up chasing big fish. But what if the real opportunity lies in the vast schools of smaller fry? Microenterprises, often overlooked, represent a goldmine of potential for savvy B2B service providers. Here's why your business should consider diving into this vibrant ecosystem. 1. Not So Micro After All: The Surprising Scale of Small Don't let the "micro" fool you. In many countries, microenterprises make up over 90% of all businesses. That's not just a market; it's an ocean of opportunity. With digital ventures lowering entry barriers, this sector is set for explosive growth. Consider this: In the EU, microenterprises account for 93% of all businesses. In the US, businesses with fewer than 10 employees make up 79.4% of all firms. The sheer volume presents a massive addressable market for B2B services tailored to their needs.
David Mills
By David Mills
on August 28, 2024

Understanding the Shifting Landscape of Young Adult Financial Needs

Recent research by ZenBusiness has unveiled a significant trend among Generation Z that financial professionals should take note of: an unprecedented surge in entrepreneurial aspirations. This shift in career outlook and financial priorities presents both challenges and opportunities for accountants, financial planners, and insurance agents seeking to serve this emerging market.

David Mills
By David Mills
on August 27, 2024

The Rise of Zoomerpreneurs: A New Market Emerges

Recent research by ZenBusiness reveals a significant shift in the business landscape, one that B2B companies serving micro-enterprises cannot afford to ignore. An astounding 93% of Generation Z individuals (aged 18-25) have taken steps towards business ownership, signaling a boom in the micro-enterprise sector.

David Mills
By David Mills
on January 30, 2024

You may have noticed that it’s getting harder to get in front of new customers. They’ve walled themselves off with email, ad, and interruption blockers and filters. They’re disconnected.

David Mills
By David Mills
on January 24, 2024

As companies (and nonprofits) grow, the products and services and the customer support required to deliver them can race out ahead of the sales operation.

David Mills
By David Mills
on September 18, 2023

With all of the elements of the sales environment that we cannot control, it's vital to streamline what is within reach.

There's a lot about the sales environment that sales leaders cannot control. The list includes the economic cycle, the growing size of the buying committee, a lengthening decision cycle, rising costs of doing business, and the behavior of the competition. Proof of this reality is the fact that 71% of the Fortune 400 missed their sales goals in Q1 of 2023- and the normal rate is about 40% globally. Focusing on what you can't control is a sure path to frustration.

David Mills
By David Mills
on July 17, 2023

How to approach communication and development software to improve growth outcomes and reduce frustration and time waste.

Credible estimates tell us that sales reps spend only one-third of their time selling with the rest of their time spent on administrative tasks or data entry - is it any better for nonprofit development teams?

It’s a safe bet that your communications and development team is spending at least 5 hours or more each week just managing the technology they need to communicate.

That’s more than half of a day, wasted every week.

But that’s not all, how much time is spent each day in data entry?

There went another half day.

Chad Alexander
By Chad Alexander
on June 27, 2023

Who will win in the fight between Microsoft Dynamics vs HubSpot? We marketers will!

When comparing Microsoft Dynamics vs HubSpot, there are several key differences that set them apart.

Before we dive into the differences, I'm going to address three myths about the platforms.

Then, I'll talk about the four key differences between the two platforms.

Let's get started!

Chad Alexander
By Chad Alexander
on June 26, 2023

This is a shameless plug for our upcoming series, "HubSpot Bootstrappers of NoVA". This is an open invite to any business or small business marketing consultant in the Northern Virginia area. Over the course of four months we're going to cover how to:

  1. Unleash a Single Sales + Marketing System
  2. Unghost Sales Leads
  3. Build a Landing Page That Works
  4. Write Emails that Get Opened

    P.S. We will be live at these events at Reclaim Arcade in Fredericksburg, VA.
Chad Alexander
By Chad Alexander
on June 15, 2023

Your HubSpot onboarding will become even more effective if you know these five things

If you are in the position to start thinking about HubSpot onboarding or you are about to go through the process-- congratulations! We at Story Collaborative love HubSpotYes, in full transparency, they do pay us for the amount of HubSpot accounts we manage, but this is by no means a paid advertisement. We honestly just like talking about HubSpot and how great of a CRM/CMS it is!