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Deep Dive » Home-care
David Mills
By David Mills
on June 09, 2021
Stronger recruiting has become a make-or-break issue, with both B2E Marketing and B2E websites now an essential focus. Home care agencies are already business-to-business companies (B2B) if they work with institutions to receive referrals. They are also business to consumer (B2C) since they market directly to consumers who need care for themselves or their loved ones. B2E websites and B2E marketing is a critical focus for growth. But what is B2E?
David Mills
By David Mills
on May 01, 2021

How Email and More Referrals Go Together for Home Care Marketing

The value of referrals for home care agencies is a proven way to build the business and a primary goal of all home care marketing.  Your former customers along with their family members and the professionals that you interact with are a great source for new business.  The challenge is finding ways to stay “top of mind” with all of these people and the time required. 

David Mills
By David Mills
on September 28, 2020

Attracting the right number of caregivers to meet client demand is challenging. Your growth is limited by not having great caregivers available when the client is ready. And, keeping those caregivers requires that you've got a job they want when they're ready.  Growing agencies are figuring out how to keep the right supply of caregivers to meet client opportunities. An insight from the 2020 Benchmarking Study points out a critical way to boost your effectiveness.

David Mills
By David Mills
on July 27, 2020

If you need a recruiting advantage, borrow the inbound marketing approach that works with customers and apply it to employee recruiting.

What is inbound marketing? Inbound marketing has become a powerful tool in the effort to win customers. At its heart, inbound marketing is the delivery of value through content that builds trust and leads to a loyal buyer. Valuable content helps the customer throughout their entire journey from exploring a need all the way to making a buying decision. This approach is highly effective with home care marketing because it addresses the whole customer journey as well as the what's required for for search engine optimization (SEO). Those that find you through SEO are often the most qualified customers and employees.  

David Mills
By David Mills
on July 16, 2020

How Microsites are Delivering a Competitive Advantage Across Industries

Microsites are becoming a competitive strategy in a number of industries. Put simply, a microsite is a focused group of pages that provide information that is designed to serve a unique audience, location or product/service. It wraps the sales and value message up in a focused package, along with critical information and answers to questions so that when a prospect visits the microsite, they are able to learn what they need to and move to the next level of the buyer's journey.

David Mills
By David Mills
on June 04, 2020

We tend to think of our websites in the singular. You may think that you “have a website” (i.e., one) and that one site is where everything has to fit. It’s easy to think that one business or organizational website is the single container for all of your online presence, but that’s not the reality for effective web marketing. Effective web marketing includes multiple landing pages, sub-sites or micro-sites for specific purposes all with the goal of giving people the exact information and opportunities that they need to become our customers.

David Mills
By David Mills
on March 26, 2020

We are in a moment right now, that presents a unique opportunity to your business or nonprofit. Whether you are a school, a healthcare practice, a senior living facility, retailer or service provider, there are things that you can do right now which you may never be able to do again.

David Mills
By David Mills
on November 01, 2019
To all of those who serve in health care, funeral care, therapeutic services, homeland defense and senior services, our community owes you a debt of gratitude for the selfless way in which you serve. Whether it is diagnosis or prevention, supporting families in the loss of someone they love, or protecting our communities or supporting our seniors, you make a world of difference. Our community and our nation would not be the same without you.
David Mills
By David Mills
on December 07, 2017

“Your brand is what people say about you when you’re not in the room,” - Amazon.com founder Jeff Bezos

A company's online presence has become vital to how its customers and potential employees perceive their brand. From the look and feel of the website, to its content, to where your company come up in their Google search results, people care how you present yourself. So just how are home health and home care agencies doing online? Numbers don't lie, so let's take a look at some statistics on the subject. Do you know where you stand as a company? The results might surprise you.