Emotional decision-making influences the way you reach families. Here's how:
Did you know that 95% of decision-making is unconscious?
Did you know that 95% of decision-making is unconscious?
I have. And I didn’t like the answer.
Have you ever seen the price of litigation if someone with a disability decides to file a complaint with the federal government under ADA Title III?
I imagine you have heard of arachnophobia (the fear of spiders) or claustrophobia (fear of confined or crowded spaces). But have you ever heard of a pseudo phobia, called Ostrich Complex?
Does your website lack any return visitors, or have your site visits fallen off? Is it failing to get any lead conversions from real people? Has it been more than 3 years since you have had real work done on it? Has it been built by a do-it-yourself solution, or did Jonas in your uncle’s basement design it for you?
Have you noticed a strange pattern of inappropriate, rude or vulgar language in random places on your website? Are you seeing strange tics like popup messages or changes that you did not make?
"Oh hey intern, thanks for asking about optimizing your content!
What happens when an ad campaign goes totally wrong? I mean, the ad campaign actually sends their potential customers running for the hills, wanting to jump off a cliff or even better: “climb Mount Everest in flippers,” as one commenter put it.
Let's talk about the power of the value proposition - as it's that one powerful statement that clearly defines the benefit of a product or service.