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Deep Dive » David Mills
David Mills

David Mills

David is one of the founders of Story Collaborative and serves as the Chief Growth Officer. He is passionate about finding the right strategy for each client and helping them move into sustainable growth. He is a veteran of organizational development and communications and has worked with thousands of businesses and nonprofits across the country.

More from David Mills

David Mills
By David Mills
on June 05, 2023

It might not be them, it might be the CRM. The average salesperson has to use 10 tools to close a sale. If your CRM is adding value to the sales process, then getting salespeople to use it isn't a problem. It's when the CRM is just another chore that it becomes a drag - not only psychologically but on sales outcomes too.

David Mills
By David Mills
on June 01, 2023

HubSpot and Pipedrive are both easy to administer and easy to use. Both HubSpot and Pipedrive offer sales teams powerful tools for lead organization, pipeline management, and deal tracking. However, HubSpot distinguishes itself from Pipedrive in several key ways that could significantly impact your business. To help you determine which platform is the best fit for your needs, we've provided a brief overview of their respective features and differences.  

David Mills
By David Mills
on June 01, 2023

While both HubSpot and Zoho are popular CRM solutions, they offer distinct approaches to customer engagement. It's crucial to understand these differences as they can significantly impact your organization's growth and evolving needs.

So, is it Zoho or HubSpot?

David Mills
By David Mills
on June 01, 2023

In the past, companies that needed to grow simply added more staff or increased productivity per employee to scale their operations. However, with tighter budgets and a focus on sustainable growth, improving productivity per representative has become even more critical. To set your team up for success, it's essential to identify ways to avoid tactics that will lead to delays or escalating costs. 

David Mills
By David Mills
on May 23, 2023

What used to be our stand-by approaches have changed. If you’re relying on old-school sales tactics like spreadsheets, cold visits, and cold telephone calls, you may be burning out your salespeople and your reputation at the same time. Every time you get one of those vendor cold calls, there is a salesperson on the other end who feels just like you do about how much making these calls sucks.

David Mills
By David Mills
on May 22, 2023

How to approach sales and marketing software to improve sales outcomes and reduce frustration and time waste.

Credible estimates tell us that sales reps spend only one-third of their time selling with the rest of their time spent on administrative tasks or data entry.

It’s a safe bet that your sales team is spending at least 5 hours or more each week just managing the technology they need to communicate.

That’s more than half of a day, wasted every week.

But that’s not all, 72% of salespeople spend another hour a day in data entry.

There went another half day.

David Mills
By David Mills
on May 22, 2023

Refreshing face-to-face sales skills

Remember when sales were mostly in person or on the phone? While many people relied upon the personal interaction of tradeshows and vendor visits, it all got shut down during COVID. Is it possible that some of those in-person skills have gotten a little rusty? If you have salespeople who are new to the team or industry, they may have skipped the hard-won lessons of your veteran salespeople and might need a refresher on the skills of in-person meetings.

Here are a couple of ways to refresh those in-person skills. First is a quick refresher on the essential skills for in-person sales. Following that are four classic sales books that can spark fresh insights into the skills for effective sales.

David Mills
By David Mills
on March 06, 2023

Does all of your effort on search engine optimization, help or hurt your brand? It’s easy to miss the brand impacts of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) while you are working to ensure that customers can find you online. Search strategy is deeply interwoven with the experience that potential customers have with your brand.

David Mills
By David Mills
on February 08, 2023

We've got ringside seats, except we've got a stake in this game because AI for business is going to change everything

Sports fans love a good fight, and there's one going on right now in the online search world. It all started on November 30, 2022, when Open AI made their service ChatGPT public. Over the holiday season, Google's top leaders had to wake up from their long winter's nap to a widely reported code red, because they realized the dramatic impact this was already having.

David Mills
By David Mills
on November 07, 2022

The lack of effective email is a growth barrier

Deliver better customer experiences with email tied to a CRM (and don't ditch good customers)

It is frustrating! I know they have my email address and my phone, but my house hasn't been pressure washed for more than a year. I think the power washing company has abandoned me. I think I know why.

It's not because I was a bad customer. I had plenty of dirt on my vinyl siding, and I paid promptly. The technician was only here for a couple of hours and I said thank you, even though some of the spray fluid came through the kitchen door and ruined the tablecloth.