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David Mills
By David Mills on July 15, 2020

the Champion: websites that don't need therapy

The Champion Website Personalty has grown past all of the dysfunctional website personality issues that stop others from performing. This is truly a high-performing website in the making, and the business or nonprofit that benefits has a real asset in place. 
It's helpful to consider the website personality characteristics of this winning website. 
  • The Champion website is pleasant to meet and creates a strong first impression. It delivers fresh graphics and visuals that help to tell the brand story along with crisp and meaningful description of what makes the organizations special.
  • The Champion website offers real value to its visitors with content that meets customer needs: it has something to say that customers really want to hear. That value is born out by the analytics that demonstrate that people view multiple pages and stay on the site, while taking actions that move them through the buyer's journey.
  • When visitors meet the Champion website personality by visiting online, they feel that the website really has its act together. It's well organized and makes it easy to find what the visitor was searching to find.
  • Visitors and business leadership feel that the Champion website personality presents the brand in a consistent and authentic way. It never uses clip art or obvious stock photography, but connects every visitor with a brand that feels real and approachable.
  • Like any champion, the stats bear out its success. The conversion rates and visitor to lead rates are impressive, delivering the leads that allow the business to grow.
  • The Champion website personality is committed to helping not just selling. The information, thoroughly answered questions and detailed information about pricing, comparisons and honest reviews build trust with people, and they come to rely upon the website as a trusted authority.

If you haven't takEN the Website Personality Quiz, take it now to see what kind of website you have

Wow, what a personality! It looks great, connects with people effectively, really has something meaningful to say, and helps people find the answer they need in order make a decision more quickly. How did the website develop such a great personality? Like any champion competitor, it's a combination of nature and nurture. Great websites are both born and groomed. 

Website Essentials

On the nature side

It's hard to build a high performing website if you are using software that simply can't take the pressure. There are two current web trends contributing to this issue:
  1. the simple DIY software
  2. the open source systems (mostly WordPress)
These trends are birthing frameworks that don't have the "bones" to grow into high performing websites. On one side, the simple website builders can't deliver the powerful aesthetics, automation and operation of a fully equipped all-in-one site, and on the open-source side, the weight of plugins, maintenance and update requirements are just too time intensive and take marketers away from what they should be doing: marketing.
A high-performing website like the champion website personality requires all the tools that modern websites deliver like integrated customer relationship management (CRM), software as a service (SaaS) security and maintenance, A/B testing, analytics, search engine optimization (SEO) tools, built-in marketing automation and microsite and landing page systems. These are practical essentials for any website that hopes to own the competition.

Learn about great options for all-in-one websites.


On the nurture side

Even the best website needs training. High performance never comes without a process of hard work and continual improvement. Champion website personalities that want to reach the full potential have to go through ongoing evaluation and revision that gathers analytical, lead conversion, and consumer feedback to put the website on a growth track. Just like an athlete with potential has to start working hard in school if they want to proceed to collegiate and potential professional play, a high-performance website does the same. As soon as the website is released, the improvement process should begin and if the website was built on a strong foundation, it can demonstrate tangible outcomes that improve every quarter.
It's common for websites today to be developed in a painfully slow process, and then once finally finished, they sit without improvement for years. This approach denies the website owner the opportunity for the benefits that compound each time the website performance is improved. The continuous improvement approach is often referred to as Growth Driven Design, which uses an agile approach to creating high performing websites. 

GEt a training program that will get the most out of your website 

If you are serving clients in the most difficult seasons of life, then your website should be an experience that helps them, not a place to envision their greatest fears. An obvious example of this is healthcare websites that feature pictures of diseases, sharp instruments and operating rooms on their home page. We understand that you are proud of what you do, but consider our feelings: you're scaring us!

One big thing That your Champion website Still needs

Every high-performing athlete (and website) not only needs to stay in shape, but they also can continue to improve their performance. The heights to which your website might rise will only be reached if you continue to improve the customer experience, content value, and optimize how leads are generated. Having a Champion website opens the door to expanding your competitive advantage and taking your website outcomes even higher. 
And like all other champions, it doesn't pay to sit on your laurels too long, because as your competitors make investments they can run right past you. A good winning foundation should be built upon over time. The Growth Driven Design process is designed just for that purpose. A consistent improvement cycle helps to continue the great progress that your website has already made by building additional strengths in content, search engine optimization (SEO), customer rate optimization (CRO), and aligning your website leads with your sales processes to shorter sales cycles.

->Learn more about how to train your website for even better performance

Published by David Mills July 15, 2020
David Mills