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David Mills
By David Mills on August 18, 2020

Website Therapy: Are You A Best Kept Secret?

Best Kept Secret-itus is a tricky website illness. You or other leaders in your organization might think or say, “I feel like we’re a best kept secret.” This is the first sign that you may in fact have this website illness. To know for sure if your website has this illness, you must be able to define your target audience, because the disease occurs when too few people in that audience know that you exist.

Do the math: Are you a best kept secret?

To tell if you have this illness, you need to identify the number of people who are in your target audience, and then divide by how many people you reach digitally in an average month.  If this is less than 10% of your target audience you may be affected by this website illness. It it is less than 6% you may have bad case. When it comes to referral building, this number must be must larger, and to completely rid yourself of the illness, you should be shooting fo 40%

Symptoms of being a best kept secrete:

  • Low website traffic
  • Low website conversions
  • People that you thought would have done business with you choose someone else

Outcomes of this disease are:

  • Your competition gains ground or passes you
  • Your online presence continues to fall behind
  • Your brand begins to dematerialize, becoming transparent and more forgettable


What’s the therapy for this illness?

The first step is to begin focusing on the first step in the buyer/referral journey: awareness. This means making sure your website is a remarkable first impression, that it is climbing the ranks of Google with SEO, and that you are running effective ads that go to the right kind of pages inside the website.

Pain Free Guide to Your Next Web Redesign

Published by David Mills August 18, 2020
David Mills