This is a common question for many marketers. You look at your site, and it's been a few months (or a few years) since it was revamped. You start to wonder... "Do I need a new website?" Sometimes, it's not a question you're asking. In some cases, your boss walked into your office in the middle of a busy day and asked, "Hey, do we need a new website?"
And now, you need an answer! Whether it's your boss asking, or it's your own question to resolve, here are the top six ways you can respond to that query:
1. Do I need a new website? Well, how is the website performing?
It’s always time to be thinking about how your website is performing. A regular web analysis to track user behavior, leads, and sales is an absolute must activity. A monthly check-up should be part of your routine. And, an in-depth quarterly review should become a habit throughout the year.
If you're boss is asking, it would be ideal to say: “In my last website performance analysis, here is what I found…”
Low traffic is a great hint that you need better SEO, more content, and possibly some advertising to get the ball rolling. If users aren't coming to your site, then you have a problem. And, it may or may not be the fault of your website.
If you have low (or no!) conversions on your site, then you either need to:
- begin implementing better funnels for people to take action
- consider a website rebuild, so that your site is built to convert form day one
2. Yes, if It's been longer than 18 months.
If it’s been longer than 18 mos, it’s time.
Say: “things have changed a lot this year, we should seriously consider it.”
This isn't some kind of hard and fast rule. But, in light of the global pandemic, it's likely that your website needs to be re-imagined in order to properly serve the way people are behaving and interacting.
3. Maybe, if your website hasn't been iteratively improved in 6 months.
If it’s been more than 6 months since the performance was checked a round of improvements was made, then get that on the schedule pronto! If you don’t begin that process, your website will experience premature aging.
Say: “Our website has been sitting static and we need to either plan to redesign soon, or get into a Growth Driven Design rhythm this quarter.”
4. Probably, if you aren't seeing month-over-month increases.
As you track data over time, if you aren't seeing important numbers steadily climb, then there is an issue. It may not require an entire redesign. It may be that the right changes haven't been made as you do regular performance reviews.
Say, "Our website isn't growing our loads, and we need to take some action to fix that."
5. Maybe, if your last website wasn't built upon a strategy.
Web design firms may have experience in designing websites, but they don't always take your marketing plan or overall goals into account. This can be painful, especially if the site isn't very old. But, if your website was designed and implemented without a solid, overarching plan for increasing leads and sales... well, it might be a beautiful, brainless waste.
Say, "Our last website didn't include a solid strategy, so I'd like to build that first and then answer the redesign question."
6. Probably, if you're new to the job.
First, say this: "I would like to build a strategy to improve the website that could lead to a redesign."
You'll sound thoughtful and smart (because you are!). As the new kid on the block, there is a high probability that your current website is not what you want in order to take the company where it needs to go. Begin building a strategy that informs what you need and want from your website. Do you want traffic on a site that builds trust? Do you want to be part of people's buying journey well before the sale? Do you want to be a guide and mentor as they walk along their purchasing path... that eventually leads to a new and loyal customer?