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David Mills
By David Mills on February 08, 2023

The tech fight of the century- the impact of AI for business

We've got ringside seats, except we've got a stake in this game because AI for business is going to change everything

Sports fans love a good fight, and there's one going on right now in the online search world. It all started on November 30, 2022, when Open AI made their service ChatGPT public. Over the holiday season, Google's top leaders had to wake up from their long winter's nap to a widely reported code red, because they realized the dramatic impact this was already having.

Online search is firmly implanted in the human operating system. We rely upon it to find locations, research our solutions, and evaluate purchase decisions. But we have to wade through commercial content, and long articles, leaving us to sort through endless content to find our answers. Enter generative Artificial Intelligence (AI), and 100 million people discover that they can skip all of that to get a response to their question. 

In response, Google has now brought back a couple of its founding executives to help them figure out how to respond. Plus, they've got 12 of their top heavyweights strategizing a response. They've even rolled forward a big announcement this year to February. That would normally have happened a full quarter later. Google is rushing BARD (its version of ChatGPT) to market. 

There is a fight going on right now. Something has substantially changed and Google knows it. Microsoft threw a $10 billion right hook by investing further in ChatGPT. Of course, we expect these big guys to fight it out, but business leaders are just thinking about what the impact might be.

Try to prove your different

This change is accelerating the shift in the essential way that people receive information and the way that they're learning about your business. It's as if we're rolling out a new operating system for the human-computer, operated by AI (there's a scary thought).

While the shift is big and obvious and all of the outcomes are just starting to emerge, here is what business leaders should be looking for:

  1. Further increases in the volume of online content, and demand that online content is both high quality and focused on a niche.
  2. Increases in the need to personalize information for specific people.
  3. Expansion of the channels that your business must master to stay in front of your audience.
  4. Smarter ads and websites.
  5. The emergence of viable alternatives to Google especially for niche groups. Potential for Bing search to become a larger competitor in the market.

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Video transcript:

Sports fans love a good fight, and there's one going right now in the online search world. It all started November 30th when chat G P T made their service public over the holidays that Google's top leaders had to wake up from their long winters nap because they realized how much impact this was already having.

On the search world. Now they've brought back a couple of their founding executives to help them figure out how to respond. Plus, they've got 12 of their top heavyweights strategizing their response. They've even rolled forward a big announcement this year to February. That would normally have happened a full quarter later.

There is a fight going on right now. Something has substantially changed and Google. Microsoft threw a 10 billion log on this fire by investing further in chat, G P T. Of course, we expect these big guys to fight it out, and if we're a business leader like me, you're just thinking about what's in it for me.

Well, this is an interruption  in the essential way that people get information and the way that they're going to learn about your business. 

Published by David Mills February 8, 2023
David Mills